Saturday, January 31, 2009

primary school history..

today, i met with my friend, F from my previous primary school..
but i pretend dat i didn't see him..
at first, we stopped when the traffic lights turned to red..
he droves his car while i was driving mine..
ensem btoi keta dya mcm owner dya..haha
he looked at me but i pretend dat i didn't realized..
it didn't meant dat i am arrogant but i was too shy..
( scandal wk2 zman bdk2 dlu..malu la aku)
after dat, i met him again at d entrance of CT Plaza..
once again, i ran away..hehe
i asked my brother to pick his photos quickly and i waited 4
my bro in d car..
at night, when i was heading to 7E, i met him again n again n again..
luckily, the traffic lights changed to green..
so, we hv to move..otherwise the other cars will honk us..hehe
selamat aku..

two years ago, i passed by his house..
he kept calling my name..
he asked his elder and younger brother to do so 2..
can u imagine, how shy I am on dat time??haha

but when we were in Primary Six, we played together,
calling each other(besa la zmn gtai2 dlu),study, and discuss bout d homeworks..
right now, i find the way to escape from u..
perhaps, one day i will greet u..insyaallah..
i'm so sorry F..


English Freak said...

maryam shy2 cat..

PAJID said...


f for fazidah ke??